Welcome Jialin Tian & Enver Felix Loayza Mora!
January 2025: Our two new PhD students start in Freiberg, I whish you a good start! Jialin has a background in Material Chemistry with a Master Degree of the University of Jena and Felix has his Master degree from TU Berlin in Industrial Biotechnology. Welcome!
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Welcome Qi!
February 2024: Qi has started her Master thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and work on mineralizing mycelium. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
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Congrat Nils for his first paper been accepted!
November 2023: Incredible, we were accepted at Small. The publication will be open-access. Nils did a tremendous amount of work for this. I heavily thank all the people involved.
Here is the link to the publication https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/smll.202308939
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PhD or master student wanted for responsive biogenic materials synthesis project
May 2023: Would you like to design the materials of the future – biodegradable, light-tunable mechanics, non-toxic and at ambient conditions?
If you have a chemistry, physics, soft matter science, materials science, polymer or materials engineering background: Then join our interdisciplinary.. →
Welcome, Shih-Yu Tseng
April 2023: Shih-Yu has started her Postdoc in our group. She performed her PhD at the Group of Thomas Sottmann. A very warm welcome, and a successfull start. Get to know her here.
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Amrita published the group’s first independent paper
January 2023: Amazing work, after just a single round of peer review we were accepted at Composites Science and Technology. The publication will be under open-access. I heavily thank all the people involved, especially our partner, the Insitute for Aircraft Egineering.
Here the link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0266353823000453?via%3Dihub
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Matis has started his Bachelor’s thesis
Mathis has a technical biology background and work with Tugce. A good start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
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Tanja has re-joined the group, a good start!
Tanja has started her Master thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and work on responsive biopolymers with Nils. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
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Waldemar, welcome.
Waldemar has started his Master thesis. Welcome and good luck, enjoy your time here.
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
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Welcome Cosima!
Cosima has started her Bachelor’s thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and start a little bit microalgae science. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
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