William and Erik joined the group, welcome!
Erik and William have started their Studienarbeit and Master thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and start a little bit of science. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
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Please welcome Silia Quirin for her Master thesis
Silia has started her Master thesis at our lab. I am very happy to have you around and start a little bit of science. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
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Nico has started his M.Sc. thesis
I’m happy to welcome Nico Drießen. Nico will start his M.Sc. thesis with Nils to create photoswitachable biopolymers. I am very happy to have you around and start a little bit of science. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact.. →
Welcome Nina and Tugce!
I’m happy to welcome Nina Oehlsen and Tugce Demiral. Nina will work on bioinspired composites with an emphasis on their structure and formation. Tugce will work on the immobilization of algae in hydrogels. I am very happy to have found such good fits for these topics. Have a good start!
Interested.. →
Linus’ postdoc publication finally published
Finally, my major postdoctoral work happened from 2016-2019 has beend pulished at PNAS https://www.pnas.org/content/118/23/e2020160118.
Some other outlets picked up the story:
Advanced Photon Source press release:https://www.aps.anl.gov/APS-Science-Highlight/2021-06-01/a-rare-mineral-from-rocks-found-in-mollusk-teeth
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Muhamad’s Farewell
Muhamad will start his PhD thesis at the Hochschule of Munich. We wish him all the best on his future way, I am sure it will involve great discoveries.
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The group has succesfully acquired the BW-Elite Postdoc
With the immense support of Muhamad’s and Katharina’s work in the lab, Linus has acquired the Elite-Postdoc by the BW-Stiftung. For more information check out the press release on the University of Stuttgart newsticker.
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Congrats to Katharina & Muhamad
Katharina and Muhamad have both handed in their thesis. A big part has been done, now we have to wait for the final certificates
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Silia has started her Studienarbeit
Silia Quirin, pursuing her Master in Medizintechnik, has started her Studienarbeit with us: A warm welcome! She has worked in Alex’ group at the IGVP before.
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Welcome Dr. Amrita Rath to our lab
Our new postdoc has started. She has worked at the great Indian Institute of Technology Madras before and has a background in soft matter for actuation. A warm welcome!
Meet Amrita
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