Katharina Wulz has joined as bachelor student: Welcome!
Katharina studies technical biology and will work on hydrogels and living materials. It is a pleasure for all of us to have you here!
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Welcome our master student Muhamad Saeed
Muhamad has started right before the Corona virus made its impact on Germany. He studies Biofabrication at Uni Bayreuth and is a great new player in our team.
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Meet Linus on March 17, 2020 at the 5th Bio-Inspired Materials Conference
Linus Stegbauer will give a talk at the 5th Bio-Inspired Materials Conference in Irsee, Germany. He will present his former and current research on Tuesday, March 17, 2020, 9.50 am. Come by to learn more about him and his research!
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Stegbauerlab.de ist up!
Let’s go
Our homepage is running. In the next few weeks I will add significant amount of content.
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