change in the team

Muhamad’s Farewell

Muhamad will start his PhD thesis at the Hochschule of Munich. We wish him all the best on his future way, I am sure it will involve great discoveries.

Posted by Linus Stegbauer in change in the team

Congrats to Katharina & Muhamad

Katharina and Muhamad have both handed in their thesis. A big part has been done, now we have to wait for the final certificates

Posted by Linus Stegbauer

Silia has started her Studienarbeit

Silia Quirin, pursuing her Master in Medizintechnik, has started her Studienarbeit with us: A warm welcome! She has worked in Alex’ group at the IGVP before.

Posted by Linus Stegbauer

Welcome Dr. Amrita Rath to our lab

Our new postdoc has started. She has worked at the great Indian Institute of Technology Madras before and has a background in soft matter for actuation. A warm welcome!

Meet Amrita

Posted by Linus Stegbauer

Welcome our master student Muhamad Saeed

Muhamad has started right before the Corona virus made its impact on Germany. He studies Biofabrication at Uni Bayreuth and is a great new player in our team.

Posted by Linus Stegbauer