Qi has started her Master thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and work on mineralizing mycelium. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
Qi has started her Master thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and work on mineralizing mycelium. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
Incredible, we were accepted at Small. The publication will be open-access. Nils did a tremendous amount of work for this. I heavily thank all the people involved.
Here is the link to the publication https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/smll.202308939
Would you like to design the materials of the future – biodegradable, light-tunable mechanics, non-toxic and at ambient conditions?
If you have a chemistry, physics, soft matter science, materials science, polymer or materials engineering background: Then join our interdisciplinary international group! Just send Linus an application with your cover letter, master certificate and master thesis!
Amazing work, after just a single round of peer review we were accepted at Composites Science and Technology. The publication will be under open-access. I heavily thank all the people involved, especially our partner, the Insitute for Aircraft Egineering.
Here the link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0266353823000453?via%3Dihub
Mathis has a technical biology background and work with Tugce. A good start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
Tanja has started her Master thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and work on responsive biopolymers with Nils. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
Waldemar has started his Master thesis. Welcome and good luck, enjoy your time here.
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
Cosima has started her Bachelor’s thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and start a little bit microalgae science. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
Erik and William have started their Studienarbeit and Master thesis. I welcome you! I am very happy to have you around and start a little bit of science. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.
Silia has started her Master thesis at our lab. I am very happy to have you around and start a little bit of science. Have a great start!
Interested in joining as well? Explore the options and feel free to contact me.